I offer private Reiki Sounding Sessions, Craniosacral & Lymphatic Combo Sessions, Vibrational Sound Therapy, Manual Lymph Drainage & Reiki Classes, Soundings BreathWave, and Soundscape nights.
Lymphatic Drainage & CranioSacral Therapy & Sound
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a specialized massage technique specifically designed to support your lymph system. Not only does it have therapeutic benefits; it is very gentle, calming, and relaxing. This offering is done skin to skin.
This technique comes from Germany, using the Feeltones Monochords. I have studied with Joule L'Adara of New York and We Play Well Together and Sounding Circles. I'm excited to explore this form of drone meditation to see where it can take us! Dates coming soon!!!
Craniosacral Therapy, CST releases tensions to allow the entire body to relax and self-correct. By freeing the central nervous system to perform at its best, CST naturally eliminates pain and stress, strengthens your resistance to disease, and enhances your health and well-being.
Lymph massage aims to help the body maintain proper blood circulation, body fluid balance, and immune functions.
A moving meditation! We journey through the chakras and elements to great music! An inward experience. We all have our own stories, so each of us will move in our own way. We dance with our eyes lowered. Sacred Sweat! Remember to bring water!
Visit my website to order retail at www.mydoterra.com/soundingsessentialoils If you'd like to purchase the oils wholesale, let me know. It is very inexpensive to have a wholesale account.
This is an evening of sound immersion with a variety of tools. My Mirror of Creation Gong which is pictured, my Lotus Gong, crystal singing bowls, voice, didgeridoo, Shruti Box, Tibetan Bowls, Drums, are just some of the sound that might be included.
I am available to do retreats and wellness days. For many years I was part of Joan Lundens Camp Reveille, a 4-day women's retreat. I was part of the Mainely Women Retreats for a few more years after that. Now, I offer at random retreats throughout the year. Sound, breath work, movement, private sessions, etc.
Please let me know if you'd like to have Soundings as part of your retreat. Soundings LifeBreath, ChakraTribe Moving Meditation,
SpiritDance, Journey Through the Chakras Bowl Meditations or private Reiki Sound Healing Sessions are the most popular offerings. *** I'm so excited to add Vibrational Sound with Therapeutic Himalayan Bowls to the list! Highly recommend this as a great way to quiet the mind and to bring client to a state of deep peace and relaxation.
Do you need help to get unstuck? Do you feel like you've been treading water or mired in mud? Sometimes we need help to release, to see with clarity, to drop into and align with our own sacred knowing and truth.
Energy Therapy Woven in Sound
Soundings was established in 2001, at that point I was offering Reiki sessions out of a back room of a little metaphysical shop in Gardiner. Over the years I've had seven different amazing offices and have had the pleasure of getting to meet so many new clients and students along the way.
I offer an intuitive blend of a variety of modalities. The Sound Healing may include Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, drums, voice, tuning forks, didgeridoo, etc.
The sessions assist you in letting go of nonsupporting emotions and energies, help in realigning with your highest energetic blueprint of health and well being, and joyfully moving forward from this place of peaceful acceptance.
*** Now offering Vibrational Sound Sessions with Therapeutic Himalayan Singing Bowls for deep peaceful states of relaxation and stillness.
Men by referral only. Thank you!
If you'd like to join us for a class, check out Soundings schedule